A beautiful way to honour your baby is to plant a living symbol of the love that continues on in your heart. It might be the birth flower of your baby, or a plant with the same name as your baby. You might like to plant it in a memorial garden or in a special decorative pot. Some parents choose to send out packets of seeds for their family and friends to plant in honour of their baby.
Charity donation
On special dates, such as your baby’s birthday or at Christmas time, you might like to make a donation to a Charity in honour of your baby. Bears Of Hope sells Sophie and Hope, our exclusive bears if you would like to donate one in honour of your own baby to another family or as a gift for yourself. We can also receive monetary donations that are tax deductible.
Community Fundraiser
You may wish to arrange a local fundraising effort so that you can share the experience with others in your community and collectively honour the name of your baby or those of other bereaved families. It might be a walk, a market stall or a small ticketed performance.
Bear of Hope
You may wish to purchase and donate a Bear of Hope to both honour your baby and fill the arms of another bereaved couple. This creates a lasting legacy and will provide a source of comfort and healing to you both. Each bear purchased is tagged with the name of a baby special to you.
Online Fundraising
Holding an online fundraiser is one way to honour your baby and join with others in raising awareness. Bears of Hope offer a number of campaigns on their fundraising hub where you can personalise your page and share with your friends, family and colleagues for support.
Release Ceremony
Many parents have chosen to purchase butterflies to release each year on a special date. Butterflies are a beautiful sign of hope and healing. Releasing them is a way of sharing your love for your baby with the outside world that does not need to be explained in words.
Public Speaking
Sharing your experience with others is something you may feel compelled to do at some point in your journey, possibly many years later. You may decide to form your own group through connections or you might choose to be a guest speaker at special events to honour baby loss.
Writing publicly about your feelings surrounding your loss and the progress in your healing journey may be very therapeutic and may help to comfort others that are grieving. You may wish to create a blog that you use as a healing diary and invite others to share with you.