We warmly introduce you to our Bears Of Hope collection.


Hope is recommended for families who experience the early loss of their baby where there was no opportunity to see and hold their baby. She is a Bear that fits perfectly in the palm of your hand.

Sophie is recommended best for families who have the opportunity to see and hold their baby. Includes late miscarriage, stillbirth, loss shortly after birth and in infancy (where not transferred to the NICU)

Xavier is most suitable for families who experience the loss of their baby in Intensive Care or Special Care Nursery or through infancy. He is the largest Bear Of Hope in the family.


Hope's Legacy

Miscarriage loss is still such a silent grief throughout the community and its impact on parents is often overlooked and undervalued. We at Bears of Hope challenge community beliefs through our values that no loss is more important than another and everybody has the right to be offered support without judgement.

In 2010, we began working on the development of a small Bear Of Hope to finalise our miscarriage support initiative. We partnered with McDonalds in Sydney, through their Helping Hands fundraiser, and raised $13,368.

This generosity enabled us to design and purchase our exclusive bear of hope for early loss. When earlier losses are exposed to so many misconceptions, and thousands of families left to feel so isolated as a result, the name “Hope” for our smallest bear, completed the project.

We launched our second bear of hope, “Hope” at our 2nd Annual Charity Ball on 25th September, 2010. Our Hope bear is now bringing comfort, connection, acknowledgement and hope to thousands of families across Australia.

Sophie's Legacy

Adrian and Kylie Raftery experienced the stillbirth of their daughter, Sophie Cleo, on 14th December 2008. They received a Bear from Bears Of Hope and drew great comfort and support as it became an integral part of their grieving and healing. Before he said goodbye to Sophie, Adrian made a promise to his daughter that he would make a difference.

Adrian approached us and said that he wanted to raise $15,000 for Bears Of Hope to purchase a bulk number of teddy bears. Adrian came up with this wild idea to not only run in the Blackmores Sydney Marathon, but that he would do it in a leprechaun suit!

Larry the Leprechaun created an online fundraising page through GoFundraise to receive donations, ran the Gold Coast Half Marathon, the Hunter Valley Half Marathon, and the City 2 Surf as a dress rehearsal for the big run. He set up a facebook group, contacted the local media, held an online auction and a fundraising trivia night. He subjected himself to running 30km every weekend leading up to the marathon. We were totally overwhelmed and humbled by his creativity, his inspiring attitude and his determination to see his promise through.

On 20 September 2009, Larry ran and completed that 42.2km course. It is a moment we will never forget and one we know his wife and his precious daughter Sophie will always be so proud of.

Adrian and Kylie raised over $28,000 for Bears of Hope.

It has been a dream for us to develop our very own Bear Of Hope, and due to Adrian’s fundraising endeavours, we have seen this dream realised with the launch of our first Bear Of Hope at our Inaugural Charity Ball held on October 10th, 2009.

Our Bear Of Hope needed a special name and it was only fitting that we call her ~Sophie~.

Adrian did make a difference and Sophie’s memory will now live on through each Bear Of Hope.

Xavier's Legacy

On 31st January 2011, Debb and Chris Meyer’s first child, Xavier Christopher Meyer, was born at just 25wks gestation due to a placental abruption. He lived for 29 precious hours within the Neonatal Intensive Care environment, before Chris and Debb made the heartbreaking decision to turn off his life support. They made a pact that day that their son would not die in vain. A relative connected them with Bears Of Hope after they had left the hospital with very little support.

Chris and Debb approached Bears Of Hope about raising money to develop a neonatal bear to be named in Xavier’s honour. This would provide the opportunity to add a male bear to our miscarriage and stillbirth collection. Chris and Debb set a goal to raise $50,000 to launch the Xavier Bear.

On Saturday 25th September 2011, Bears Of Hope launched Xavier Bear and presented the very first bear to Debb and Chris at our 3rd Annual Ball.

Debb and Chris continued to fundraise and on the day of Xavier’s 1st Birthday, they had reached over $52,000. Xavier’s legacy to the world is Xavier Bear. This will enable hundreds of families to receive support in the NICU environment and pay for Psychologists to facilitate our support groups.

We are so appreciative of Debb and Chris choosing and helping Bears of Hope to support families who lose their baby in the NICU environment.

Raising $50K is no easy feat and for us, this is an extremely overwhelming amount of financial support. It has allowed us to complete our collection and focus on meeting the needs of families within this environment.

“Leaving the hospital empty handed, to return to an empty nursery, was the most harrowing and lonely experience of our lives. We lost the thing we wanted most in the world, our son, a family. We are so proud his short but beautiful life has touched so many people in our community. We are humbled to know that other parents having to end their precious children’s lives will find comfort in holding their Xavier Bear as they make their long and lonely journey home to the empty nursery. There is not a minute that goes by that I don’t think of Xavier. He sits in my periphery; I feel him around me and keep him in my heart. Despite what people say when you lose a child, time doesn’t heal your loss, you just learn to adapt. The acute grief has an end but there is lifelong grief, only another bereaved parent can understand. Hope is one of the most powerful emotions. When all your dreams are totally and completely shattered and the beautiful baby you gave life to dies in your arms, all you have is hope. For us parents, who have lost babies, hope is what gets us out of bed in the morning. Hope is the glimmer of light we can see in our deepest darkest despair, when we have nothing left to give and we don’t want to go on. That’s why Bears Of Hope and all that it does is so powerful, they help us on our healing journey to move forward with our lives, to find hope and happiness.”

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