In honour of April 1, 2023

Reggie James Thomas

Hayley Thomas
Where are you from?
Newcastle, NSW
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Two of our best friends joined with Bears of Hope when they lost their beautiful baby girl at 24 weeks.

On March 19th 2023 my husband Mitchell and I lost our beautiful Baby Boy, Reggie James Thomas at 22 weeks. I, Hayley, gave birth to our baby in Gladstone Hospital as we are currently up here for work, not knowing his gender as we were waiting till birth to find out.
It was the most hardest day of our lives, knowing in that moment we would most likely lose our little man. Reggie was born at 534grams and was 30cm in length. He had the longest fingers, feet and legs and the most beautiful button nose ( that was from my side of the family for sure ).
He was put on the ventilator but unfortunately he was just way too young to be saved. He was brought to us where we had a good 3-4 hours with him before he took his last breath. These hours with him, where we watched his heart beat and listened to him breath will always be with us. He was so formed already and to see him breathing on his own for so long in that moment we couldn’t understand why he wasn’t able to be saved.
We know our little man is watching over us every second of every day and to be able to call him our son makes Mitchell and I the luckiest parents. He was the most beautiful boy we have ever seen and we will never forget and always cherish those hours we had with him.
Reggie James Thomas was just too good for this world.
We will carrie him with us until we meet again one day.

In honour of April 1, 2023


Kristy Kowalczyk

So thoughtful to remember our little Lani forever our hearts will never forget the love you brought