Our Structure

We are an Australian registered not for profit organisation based in Sydney, NSW and became a limited liability incorporated association on May 22nd 2006.

Since becoming an Incorporated Association, the organisation now known as Bears Of Hope has been governed by an Executive Committee of parents who have personally experienced the loss of their baby. Office bearers include the President, Vice-President, Public Officer, Treasurer and Secretary.

Our authority numbers are:
Bears Of Hope Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Incorporated

Incorporation Number INC9885618
Australian Registered Body Number 153 714 928
ABN 49 599 164 988

NSW – Charitable Fundraising Number 20113
QLD – Charity Number 2182
ACT – Licence Number: 19000639
TAS – Authorised to collect donations
VIC – Registration Number 12345
SA – Fundraising Number CCP2065

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