Toni Watson

A Mother, Author and qualified Early Childhood Teacher. After three years of falling pregnant naturally and losing all seven babies, five through miscarriages – Rhys(11wks, 2001), Jordyn (9wks, 2001), twins Cooper & Kaitlyn (7wks, 2002), and James (5wks, 2004) and identical twins-Jacinta & Madelin after birth at 24 weeks in 2003, (due to PROM from Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome), I now have three earth children. Starting Bears Of Hope allowed me to acknowledge and honour each of my babies in a precious and memorable way that contributed to my inner strength and the ability to never give up hope, aiding in my desire to help others. I am very much driven to support the mental health and well-being of parents so that no parent feels alone in their grief, to provide a platform for parents to instantly connect them with support options and most importantly to provide families with space to acknowledge and honour their beautiful, and much loved babies.